What the Hub offers

The Ibec EHS Legislation Hub provides subscribers with a list of EHS legislation, a short summary of the main implications of this legislation and the relevance to the subscribing company.

Subscribers can view this information on all legislation, but only select that which is relevant to their activities. When you have identified the legislation relevant to your activities you can generate a pdf Register of your selection.

When you have made your initial selection of relevant legislation you can access and amend this at any stage. This will allow you to amend your list of relevant legislation as your own activities change.

The EHS Legislation Hub helps companies to:

  • Identify EHS legislation relevant to their activities
  • Understand the implications of this legislation
  • Keep abreast of the most recent changes to EHS legislation
  • Comply with recognised EHS management systems

There are three parts to the hub:

Irish Environment:

This service is driven by requirements such as IED and IPC licensing, environmental management systems e.g. ISO 14001 and EMAS, corporate audits and environmental liability.

Irish Health and Safety

This service meets the growing need for integrated environmental health and safety systems to ensure compliance with health & safety legislation and certification such as ISO 45001.

EU Environment

In order to be fully compliant with all its legislative requirements, business needs to be aware of environmental legislation made by the institutions of the European Union, which does not require Irish transposing legislation in order to have effect. This service concentrates on environmental EU Regulations which are directly applicable in Ireland and place legally binding requirements on Irish companies.

Get in Touch

Our EHS Legislation Hub provides subscribers with details of ongoing and new developments in Environmental Health and Safety legislation both nationally and at a European level. Subscribers receive updates on a monthly basis and are able to identify and produce bespoke reports on the progress of environmental legislation pertaining to their company. Contact us to find out how we can help you and your company.

Get in Touch