Ireland features in top 10 countries in the EU27 for female board representation

March 30, 2023

A report published by the Balance for Better Business Review Group just ahead of International Women’s Day on the 7 March shows that listed companies in Ireland have, on average, 32% female representation at board level. This places Ireland in the list of top ten countries in the EU27 for female Board representation for the first time.

The data indicates that the percentage of women on the Boards of ISEQ20 companies is at 35%, exceeding the 33% target set for the end of 2023.

Other listed companies are currently at 23% and thus on track to meet their 25% target for female representation on Boards by the end of the year.

However, the figures also show that there is slower progress in achieving gender balance at senior leadership level in Irish business. The figures also indicate that women continue to be underrepresented in key Board and leadership decision making positions.

Ibec has sat on both the steering and the advisory group for Balance for Better Business since its inception and is very supportive of the report. While a lot of work has been achieved the pace is slow, and the focus needs to be looking at the pipeline and the representation of women in Chair and senior leadership roles.

Read more here.