Positive engagement with An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar

May 22, 2020

The latest newsletter from Ibec CEO Danny McCoy to members.

Dear member, 

At the end of week one of the first phase of the reopening roadmap it would appear to be progressing really well. Importantly, that is the view of the Taoiseach with whom I had an hour long conversation this morning at Government Buildings on a webinar attended by over 1,000 Ibec members. Click here to watch it. 
The event was our first in a series of webinars around our campaign, "Reboot & Reimagine" and we covered the topics of reopening, rebooting, reimagining, Brexit, All Island and political backdrop to government formation.
If you get a chance to watch it you will see it is wide ranging but the standouts points for me were:

the phases of reopening can be shortened in the right conditions;
the U.K. will not seek an extension to the transition phase;
that business will be expected to participate in funding the supports currently in progress;
that social dialogue has been seen to be helpful and will form part of the future social planning and
that social insurance will be the likely mechanism used for funding future social provisions.
I leave you with a link to the latest episode of "Ibec Voices". In this podcast we are joined by members Noel Keeley of Musgrave on resilience and leadership and Andrew Lowe of Element Pictures, the producer behind TV phenomenon, Normal People.

I hope you have a good weekend.
Danny McCoy
Ibec CEO