Insights to the Future of Work in the Food and Drink Sector

April 06, 2022

The manufacture of food and drink products is Ireland's most important indigenous industry with a turnover of €27.5 billion, exports of €13 billion and accounting for over 163,000 jobs in Ireland. It is deeply integrated into the wider economy spending €18 billion per year on intermediate consumption in other sectors plus a further €2.1 billion on compensation of employees. It accounts for 94% of the total external product flows from the agricultural sector.
Food and drink manufacturing accounts for half of direct expenditure by the entire manufacturing sector in the Irish economy (payroll, Irish materials and Irish services). As a result, the sector has a high employment multiplier, which means it supports employment in other parts of the economy in a way that other sectors don’t.
In addition to servicing the domestic grocery and food service markets, the industry is highly internationalised and exports to 180 countries. It maintains substantial market positions in the UK, other EU markets and in international markets. 
During the seminar we will hear from Elizabeth Bowen, Director of Prepared Consumer Foods at Ibec, who will give an overview of the current state of the industry in Ireland today with a focus on the job roles in high demand by employers, followed by a panel discussion with leading industry experts.
Kevin Donnelly, Managing Director Britvic Soft Drinks Ireland and Chair of Prepared Consumer Foods Council
Patricia Malone, HR Business Partner, Nestlé
Mark Skinner, Network Manager, Food Drink Ireland Skillnet
Meadhbh Costello, Policy Executive, Ibec
This event is targeted at career guidance professionals, teachers, lecturers, academic staff, research staff, students and recent graduates alike, with an interest in careers in the Food & Drink sector.

Click here to view the webinar