Statement on the appointment of Larry Murrin as new Bord Bia Chair

February 23, 2024

Speaking about the announcement, Danny McCoy Ibec CEO said,

“On behalf of Ibec, I extend congratulations to Larry on his appointment and express our best wishes for his success in representing and advancing the interests of the Irish food and drink sector. Through his leadership of Dawn Farm and as a former President of Ibec, Larry has consistently championed the food sector and the broader business community. His advocacy and experience were particularly important during many crises for the food industry and during Covid and Brexit for the business community. Larry's deep understanding of the sector and his unwavering commitment to its representation will greatly benefit Bord Bia. In addition, his extensive leadership background will undoubtedly bolster Bord Bia's mission to promote the Irish food, drink sector, and navigate future opportunities and challenges.”