CEO Update: Securing Ireland’s Economic Future – Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Trade

November 10, 2023

Dear member,

Earlier this week, Ibec launched the 2023 Manufacturing in Ireland Report highlighting the impact of competitiveness and the cost of doing business as significant issues for the manufacturing sector.

Ibec continues to advocate to ensure that the right conditions remain for this vibrant sector to flourish - including upskilling for future skills such as AI and digitalisation, supporting businesses' transition to carbon neutrality and continuing to improve the accessibility of the R&D Tax credit. You can read the full report here.

Securing sustainable growth is a key priority for Ibec across every facet of the Irish economy.

In light of the upcoming publication of the review of the National Planning Framework (NPF), ,Property Industry Ireland Director David Duffy wrote an op-ed in the Irish Independent highlighting the significant challenges facing the NPF, not least mismatch between demographic forecasts and the actual population increase.

NPF has the unique potential to provide certainty for homebuilders, public policy makers and the provision of essential infrastructure, while at the same time ensuring balanced, sustainable growth.

This will be a key topic for discussion next week at our ‘Delivering Infrastructure for Ireland’ event on Tuesday 14 November from 12.30 – 14.00 at Ibec’s offices on Baggot Street. Please register here.

Later that day, Ibec will also be launching a new policy paper ‘Open, rules-based and digital trade to drive competitiveness’ with Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment. This is an in-person event on Tuesday 14 November at Ibec’s offices on Baggot Street. Networking will commence at 16.15 with the event kicking off at 17.00. You can register your attendance by emailing Sevelina at

Finally, members will have noted the opinion by the Advocate General of the EU that the Court of Justice should set aside the judgement of the lower General Court in the Apple tax case. We now await the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU and any further advancements in the case over the coming years. It has consistently been Ibec's stance that the Irish Government is right to exhaust every effort to safeguard the reputation for independence and integrity of our tax system. We want Ireland to be the location of choice for global business. As such, it is imperative for both multinational and indigenous enterprises that Ireland's tax system is seen as transparent, fair, and vigorously defended on these principles.

Best regards,

Danny McCoy

