Is it time to switch your business to solar

July 31, 2023

The Government announced in July approved amendments to the existing Non-Domestic Microgeneration Scheme, to extend supports to a wider range of businesses and non-domestic applicants. The scheme operated by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), provides financial assistance to help businesses, farms, schools, community centres, or other non-profit organisations to install Solar PV panels to generate electricity on site.

New funding ranges from €2,700 to €162,600 and will typically support 20-30% of the investment cost, reducing payback to as little as 5 years!

Grant funding will be provided through tiered grant supports for solar PV – for installation sizes greater than 6 kWp up to 1,000 kWp (1 MW) capacity. An installation size of 1000 kWp equates to approximately 2,500 solar PV panels, which could be accommodated on a large factory or warehouse rooftop.

The new range of installation sizes will cover a significant variety of businesses, from small local shops up to large manufacturing facilities. It will also be available for public buildings, sports clubs and community organisations.

Funding for the amendments to the scheme have been provided by way of transfer from the allocation for the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS) to allow for an expansion of the existing non-domestic Solar PV supports.

The scheme aims to provide a solution to mitigate energy price volatility, whilst at the same time empowering businesses to also be able to reduce their own emissions and support the local electricity grid.

The amended scheme will operate on an introductory basis to the end of 2023 following which it will be assessed and subject to the normal budgetary process into 2024/2025. By making grants available to the maximum range of businesses as part of a pilot programme, this also facilitates the assessment of the full level of demand across industry for solar PV solutions. This will also provide valuable data, regarding a potential multi-annual support for SMEs. The enhanced pilot scheme supports are estimated to cost up to €15 million in 2023.

SEAI Non-Domestic Microgen Grant is now open to applicants

SEAI stated that when considering installing Solar PV for your business, it is important to always get advice from a registered professional. Before you commit to purchasing and installing upgrades or investments, check if there is an SEAI grant available.

To manage your overall energy costs SEAI recommend that businesses take a step-by-step approach to energy efficiency.

  • Step 1 is to understand your energy use, and SEAI Energy Academy is the perfect resource for that
  • Step 2 is to develop an energy action plan, which is where our “Introduction to Energy Management” workshop comes in handy
  • Step 3 is to complete an energy audit, so if you’re spending more than €10,000 a year on energy you can avail of a €2,000 voucher through our Support Scheme for Energy Audits.
  • Step 4 is to invest in energy efficiency and renewable measures for which grants may be available
  • Step 5 is to continue to monitor, track and report on your energy use, using the tools and techniques acquired in energy management training.

To find out more about SEAI training for businesses visit SEAI’s webpage:

To find out more about the SEAI Support Scheme for Energy Audits and to apply visit:

Ali Donnellan
Programme Executive– Business and Industry
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland