Don't miss out - save money on your energy bills

February 03, 2023

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) run a series of briefings throughout the year. The next SME business briefing will be on Wednesday 22 February 10-11am, register here: Webex Events.

The business team at SEAI will be live online to take you through education supports, energy audit voucher and grant supports for businesses who want to save energy and reduce their bills. You will also learn about how you can fund your renewable energy transition. Attendees will then have the opportunity to ask our experts any questions they may have.

Business tips:

2022 brought extreme energy price impacts which are continuing to present huge challenges to businesses. SEAI have prepared steps you can take right now to reduce your heating, lighting, electricity and manufacturing costs.

Heating: Reduce temperature setpoints so the heating turns off when temperature reaches 19 degrees. Set your AC to come on at 24 degrees or higher.

Lighting: Ensure lights are switched off when not needed and consider installing motion sensors in infrequently used areas such as storerooms, toilets, and corridors to prevent lights being left on unnecessarily.

Electricity: Ensure you are on the best electricity tariff available. Look at how much electricity you use on average and compare the tariffs available from suppliers.

Manufacturing: Check for and activate eco-mode on equipment so that anything that’s idle after 10 minutes goes into standby mode and use a blank screensaver on computers and laptops.

For further steps on how your business can reduce your use please check out


SEAI's annual analysis of Energy in Ireland has reported that Ireland’s energy-related CO2 emissions increased by 5.4% in 2021. Emissions are returning to pre-Covid levels of 2019, and further increases are anticipated based on initial data for 2022. Looking to 2023, there are many measures we need to take to reduce our CO2 emissions, and these actions are now more urgent than ever.

At SEAI we recommend that businesses take a step-by-step approach to energy efficiency.

Step 1 is to understand your energy use, the Energy Academy.

Step 2 is to develop an energy action plan, review the “Introduction to Energy Management” workshop.

Step 3 is to complete an energy audit, so if you’re spending more than €10,000 a year on energy you can avail of a €2,000 voucher through the SEAI Support Scheme for Energy Audits.

Step 4 is to invest in energy efficiency and renewable measures for which grants may be available.

Step 5 is to continue to monitor, track and report on your energy use, using the tools and techniques acquired in energy management training.


The SEAI Energy Academy is an online e-learning platform designed to help businesses lower their energy bills by as much as 10% through shared awareness of energy efficiency and behaviour change. It’s the first step for any business starting their energy efficiency journey.

To join the SEAI Energy Academy visit

An energy action plan will help you to improve your business’s energy performance through basic techniques and steps. SEAI’s “Introduction to Energy Management” workshop will teach you how to develop and implement an effective energy action plan.

These sessions, run by experienced trainers, will help you:

  • Understand and commit to energy management.
  • Create an energy action plan outlining your business's energy targets.
  • Take action and start reducing your energy use.
  • Review your performance and results.

Sign up to attend this workshop: Introduction to Energy Management

SEAI is further encouraging Irish small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to take control of their energy use with the Support Scheme for Energy Audits (SSEA). The scheme provides eligible businesses with a €2,000 voucher to cover the cost of an energy audit. An energy audit identifies tailored energy saving opportunities that can save businesses up to 30 percent on their energy bills and help to reduce their climate impact. The audit also assesses whether renewable energy technologies are a viable option for their business.

To find out more about the SEAI Support Scheme for Energy Audits and to apply visit:

Always get advice from a registered professional. Before you commit to purchasing and installing upgrades or investments, check if there is an SEAI grant available.

Reminder: SME business energy saving briefing Wednesday 22nd February 10-11am, register here: Webex Events .

Ali Donnellan, Programme Executive – Business and Industry

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland