Looking ahead as NPHET recommendations welcomed

January 21, 2022

The latest CEO Update to Ibec membership from Danny McCoy 

Dear member,

After the many bad days that we have shared since the outset of the pandemic in 2020, it is welcome to be able to acknowledge the progress that our society and business has made collectively to reach the point whereby NPHET are recommending a termination of most Covid-19 public health restrictions.

This will mark an important next step towards recovery for many industries, including the Experience Economy which bore much of the burden of previous restrictions. While challenges remain, Ibec holds that greater personal responsibility for individuals, and autonomy for businesses in their office operations must be central to the Government’s approach in managing the next phase as we progress towards a return to normality. This includes clear guidance on phased returns to the workplace over the coming weeks. I outlined these views earlier this morning on RTE’s Morning Ireland programme.

Away from Covid, the past week has been marked with profound sadness in relation to the tragic events that took place in Tullamore. Last week saw the 244th violent death of a woman in Ireland since 1996 and it has sparked long overdue conversations about gender-based violence.  Tackling gender-based violence will require addressing its root causes in gender inequality, and a cultural change in how we discuss women, men and gender.

To address this issue will require action and awareness raising in our homes, our schools, our communities, our government and our workplaces if we are to create a safer and more equal Ireland for all people. While business has been making significant progress around gender equality, it remains fragile and there is more work to be done. Ibec will continue to work with business and stakeholders to support their employees, address gender inequality and promote equality, diversity and inclusion throughout all workplace interactions.

Finally this week, I would like to invite you to join an online event to launch our latest campaign Ireland: Towards a Model of Sustainable Substance with Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe, TD. The event will take place on Monday, 24 January at 11.30am for 1 hour.

This new initiative follows our successful 2017 campaign “Ireland: A Model of Substance” and sets out clear metrics to achieve progress against indicators across broader societal and well-being metrics and not just against GDP growth.

The campaign update is informed by the changes in the economic landscape over the last five years, particularly changes to the international corporate tax regime and the imperative of delivering sustainable growth. To register for this live event, taking place via GoToWebinar, and to submit questions in advance of the briefing please click here.

As always, if you have any queries please get in touch. 2022 promises to be another exciting year for Irish business and on behalf of the whole Ibec organisation, we look forward to once again working closely with you and on your behalf.

Best wishes,

Danny McCoy

Ibec CEO