Ibec Budget 2022 Analysis

October 12, 2021

Dear member, 

The single biggest challenge facing Irish business heading into today’s Budget announcement was ensuring that it addressed the competitiveness issue. In this regard, business can broadly commend Budget 2022, in particular the targeted use of measures to help offset inflationary pressures for households and business. 

Budget 2022 must be seen in the context of following the two largest years of fiscal expansion in the history of the State and massive supports for households and businesses. Today’s announcement marks a return to a more normal budget by reducing the deficit as we step out of the Covid crisis, increasing investment in key areas in line with the National Development Plan and dealing with the day-to-day challenges facing the country within a tight overall envelope. 

I attach a briefing deck of Ibec’s Budget 2022 Analysis.

Ibec will continue to work on your behalf with Government to focus on the continued competitiveness of the private sector and ensure we have the resources available to meet our ambitions on infrastructure and societal needs. 

As always, if you have any feedback please get in touch. 

Kind regards, 

Danny McCoy 


Ibec Budget Day Analysis deck pdf | 1878.6 kb