Education Reboot Reimagine Campaign

May 25, 2020

Through our Reboot Reimagine Campaign, Ibec is advocating for fiscal policy and stimulus measures for our members, across the higher and further education and training sectors. Some of the specific policies we are calling for include;

  • Develop a National Training Voucher Scheme to the value of €350 per employee to support training,  upskilling and lifelong learning
  • €400m boost to core and programmatic funding, infrastructure investment, industry-academic research collaboration
  • Implement a sustainable long-term funding model for higher education
  • Safeguard and leverage the National Training Fund
  • Funding for programmes with strong enterprise links, such as Skillnet Ireland, Springboard Plus and the Human Capital Initiative (HCI)
  • Increase investment for Generation Apprenticeship, by €40m to €74m per year
  • Maintain the investment commitments to establish Technological Universities, including the €90m TU Transformation Fund
  • Realising the potential for further education and training, empowering Education and Training Boards to become a highly responsive regional training partner for businesses
  • Establish a fit-for-purpose labour market intelligence system
  • Create a lifelong career guidance service
  • Develop digital education capability

For further detailed information please read our full campaign document.


Ibec Reboot Reimagine Campaign pdf | 9434.6 kb