Infrastructure: A sustainable future - Neil Walker

February 06, 2020

Quality infrastructure is fundamental to national prosperity and well-being. This was the topic of my very engaging conversation with economist Colm McCarthy and AECOM’s Derval Cummins on “Business at the Ballot Box”, which particularly focused on the challenges around transport infrastructure, planning and securing our water supply. 

So what do we need to do?
1. Call on elected officials to acknowledge that achieving the common good may entail annoying local interests and support the Office of Planning Regulator in its strategic oversight role. 
2. Ensure co-ordination between the Government and the economic regulator to monitor the work of Irish Water in a way that enhances performance rather than creates uncertainty.  

3. Encourage the Courts Service, the Judiciary, the Law Society and the Bar Council to co-operate to improve the screening of JR applications at pre-trial hearings and streamline the processing of planning related cases. Convene a forum of stakeholders to find common ground.

4. Ensure co-ordination between the Government and the economic regulator to monitor the work of Irish Water in a way that enhances performance rather than creates uncertainty.  

5. Encourage the Courts Service, the Judiciary, the Law Society and the Bar Council to co-operate to improve the screening of JR applications at pre-trial hearings and streamline the processing of planning related cases. Convene a forum of stakeholders to find common ground.

To listen to the full episode, please click below.