CEO Update on Budget 2020

July 10, 2019

Business in Ireland has built something great: our legacy in recent years has provided Government with the fruits to invest for the benefit of everyone in society; €14.3 billion of additional unexpected corporation tax to the Exchequer; delivering capital investments of over €1.5 billion per week and creating full employment. The challenge for Government is to use this opportunity productively and sustainably for everyone while the economy enters a more challenging period.

So, at the core of Ibec’s campaign is a call to stand up for Ireland’s indigenous business base and grow it while simultaneously strengthening our non-tax offering to foreign direct investment companies and being really ambitious on investment in education, innovation and infrastructure.

Business believes this can be done, but demands bravery on the part of Government. It also requires focus on 5 BIG things:

1. Nurturing indigenous business
2. Reinventing our offering to multinational firms
3. Addressing the demands of a rapidly changing labour market as globalisation, digitalisation and changing lifestyles transform jobs and careers
4. Attracting and retaining the best talent by improving quality of life:
5. Deal or no deal, we must get ready for Brexit

We can’t campaign alone at Ibec, we need business to get behind our messages and be the voice in the build-up to Budget day on October 8. To understand our 5 priorities, read our full Budget 2020 report or listen to our special podcast.

If you have any queries or comments, please get in touch. It’s always good to hear from you.

Best wishes,

Danny McCoy
Ibec CEO