
Digital health is driving the personalisation of medicine and healthcare, putting the patient at the centre of their treatment in an informed and supported manner. Through connected devices, remote monitoring, apps and other technologies patients are empowered to manage their health and receive care in the right setting.

Case study

Digital health empowering people / IPPOSI

Derick Mitchell, CEO, the Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry (IPPOSI)
“Digital health traditionally tends to be looked at from the point of view of IT. In fact, digital health is far more than IT; it's about people and the voice of the patient. It’s about identifying new ways of solving the problems that exist in our healthcare, creating better experiences for both patients and the Health Care Professionals.”

Ava Battles, Chairperson, the Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry (IPPOSI)
“The best solutions come from the people who are the frontline workers. Those who have direct experience of where there are gaps or deficiencies in the current health service… So a lot of these digital solutions would benefit from the input of patients at the earliest possible stage.”