
09.00-10.00 -Registration and Networking  

10.00-10.10 - Opening address      

Michael Killilea Director of operations APC,  Co-Chair of the BPCI OpEx WG 

Session 1: Strategy, New, Adopt or Modify 


  • Moving from a Control-based to a Growth-oriented organisation culture - integrated business planning for more effective decision making
    Speaker: Jerry Shanahan, post-doctoral researcher at the University College Cork 


  • Engaging workers for the evolving world of employment 5.0 
    Speaker:  Fiona Fennell, Ibec Engineering Skillnet Manager 


  • Industry case Study  


  • Panel Discussion 

Session 2: Fostering a culture of belonging with Psychological Safety         

11.45 -13.00

  • Psychological safety, creating a team environment for success
    Interactive breakout session  
    Speaker: Darren Woods, Managing Director of WD Excellence. 

13.15-14.00 -Lunch 

Session 3: Success factors for Operational Excellence & how to continuously energise your team members


  • Speaker:  Marie McCarthy Mindset Coaching interactive session.  


14.25-14.40 - Mobilising team members to deliver productivity improvements in Hovione

  • Speaker: Darragh O'Donovan, Director of Operational Excellence, Hovione


14.40-15.30 - Industry case study

15.30-15.45 -  Closing remarks 


Start Date January 18, 2024
Time 9.30am
Duration 6.5hrs
Delegate Price Free
Type Forums and workshops