The Engineering Skillnet with our sister IFS Skillnet will host a free webinar - “Creating ‘psychological safety’ for coaching-ready cultures”

 Seven out of ten knowledge workers have experienced either burnout or ‘imposter syndrome’ in 2022, according to a recent Assana study. This is bad news, especially as work becomes ever more complex and interdependent. Is it the pace of change or our instinctive aversion to shame/failure that is damaging our cognitive health? In this webinar, we learn with Tim Mulholland of OMT how ‘psychological safety’ can frame coaching-ready cultures for better teamwork.


 What is ‘psychological safety’ - and what is it not?
Why is ‘psychological safety’ foundational for a coaching culture
How to test existing levels of well-being and ‘psychological safety
What sounds and silences help cultivate a coaching-ready cultures and -

 Which real-time responses from managers can set the stage? 

The Engineering Skillnet runs free webinars regularly on the neuro-cognitive science of engaging and retaining talent. We promote critical thinking and coaching cultures through our suite of programmes to help boost ‘soft’ skills that make the ‘hard’ skills count for engineering industries. Feel free to email your questions in advance of this session to

Start Date March 11, 2024
Time Noon
Duration 1 hour
Delegate Price Free
Type Virtual events