Data science provides engineers with the insights required to optimise processes, reduce costs and enhance innovation.

For success, engineers need to be equipped with essential knowledge and skills neded to harness the potential of data.

 Modules include

  • Demystifying data
  • Advanced analytics
  • Hands-on software utilisation
  • Mastering data mining
  • Scripting for success

 The onus is on experiential learning, problem-solving with a flipped classroom model where the learner is centre-stage and able to access content on-demand.

This ‘high-impact learning that lasts’ (HILL) experience will bridge the gap between the conventional mechanics and manufacturing and the modern science of data analytics.

The Engineering Skillnet also runs shorter courses on data visualisation (all the above on-line).

We help engineering join the dots between data and decisions. A full brochure for this MTU course is available on request or book here.

Start Date February 12, 2024
Duration Semester - part-time evenings
Delegate Price €400 (+VAT)
Type Virtual events