
The Recruiters Network is for members who are involved in a recruitment role within their organisation. The network also includes members involved in recruitment within a recruitment agency.

What you will learn

In this meeting of the network we will discuss hiring employees from abroad.  We will look at trends we are seeing in the market and examine the tax implications of employees working remotely abroad. We will also hear about employment law considerations of having an employee work from abroad.


Rob Daly, Chief Customer Officer, CPL

Rachel Dillon, Tax Partner, People Advisory Services, EY

Aoife McFadden, Senior Employment Law Solicitor, Ibec

Who should attend?

Any member involved in recruitment for their organisation.

Start Date June 26, 2023
Time 10:30am - 11:30am
Duration 1 hour
Delegate Price Free
Type Webinar
Contact Karen Moloney
Ibec Networks