Safeguarding Minds: Tackling Mental Health Risks at Work

According to EU OSHA, around half of European workers consider stress to be common in their workplace, and it contributes to around half of all lost working days. Like many other issues surrounding mental health, stress is often misunderstood or stigmatised. However, when viewed as an organisational issue rather than an individual fault, psychosocial risks and stress can be just as manageable as any other workplace safety and health risk.

This seminar will focus on the type of mental health risks in the Irish workplace, the legislative requirements for employers, an overview of future EU policy in this area, the current trends and the practical solutions that can be implemented to prevent and address these risks. It will feature speakers from the Health and Safety Authority, EU OSHA, Ibec Employment Law experts, Mental Health First Aid, Habitus Health, Corporate Health Ireland and case studies from member companies.

Understanding the problem

  • Update from the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) on understanding the psychosocial space and what can be done to assess the risk.
  • Review of current Workplace Mental Health survey results.
  • Briefing on the applicable legislation and case law from an Employment Law Solicitor
  • Overview of current policy and the future of regulation in this area (EU OSHA)

Finding Solutions

  • Use of your Occupational Health service- understanding the role and engagement process to ensure the best possible outcomes
  • Mental Health First Aid – empowering employees to take actions but understanding the limitations
  • A focus on the challenges associated with Remote and Hybrid workers
  • Case study on verbal aggression in the workplace, its effect on mental health, and what steps can be taken to manage this


Who should attend?

Anyone who is responsible for managing and/or championing mental health in a workplace context- including OSH/EHS Professionals, Occupational Health professionals, HR Professionals, People Managers.

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Start Date September 21, 2023
Time 09:30
Duration 7 hours
Delegate Price €220 (+VAT)
Location Castleknock Hotel