The Awareness and Action LIFT (one-day) in-company workshop is an experience designed to unlock teams’ potential to consistently take the actions needed to get results. 

LIFT techniques help teams engage wholesomely to achieve a shared purpose based on a cultural approach that drove one of the most successful and sustained business growths in corporate history.

With a focus on consensus, empowerment and ownership, the training equips your organisation with the mindset and tools needed to achieve extraordinary success. 

Teams learn to  use humour and metaphor for greater awareness and develop their language to describe attitudes and behaviours that either help or impede problem solving and action. Through new conversation techniques, they can lift each other and foster better performance, identifying key question to ask themselves and others for greater resilience in the face of change.

The advantage of whole teams on the workshop is that there is a shared experience and learning of the causes, attitudes and behaviours that foster a “results mindset” allowing people to play to their strengths and empowering everyone to act. It is an ideal opportunity to foster creativity and continuous improvement.


  1. Teams and individuals gain a clear and joint sense of ownership and empowerment. They will understand their role in achieving results, leading to increased focus, alignment, and achievement.
  2. Better trust and communication; the A-LIFT coaching model enables them to coach and be coached to get better results.
  3. The program fosters the knowledge, skills and attitudes of wholesome accountability and it accelerates culture change. Once the desired culture shift is grasped the attitudes and behaviours cannot be unseen. Awareness is followed by action.
  4. The consensus generated in the workshop and the modelling of behaviours provides a platform for greater understanding, teamwork and the breaking down of functional siloes.
  5. Your team will acquire the skills, mindset, and strategies necessary to continually improve, adapt, and thrive in the face of rapid change and challenge.

Ideally participants will experience the workshop as part of their team and with their team leads and supervisors. 

Dates are available to book as follows : 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 24th, 25th August.

Start Date August 03, 2023
Duration 1
Delegate Price €1,300 (+VAT)
Type Virtual events