This is the first of a free webinar series on how ESG Regulation impact company finances

 Opportunities and risks associated with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) have a measurable and tangible impact on businesses. Investors, private equity funds, banks and insurance companies are paying attention as business sectors and national economies transform, under pressure from policymakers, markets and investors.

 In this lunchtime session, learners will be lead through an interactive review of the financial impacts of ESG regulations and what businesses need to do now to adapt to a rapidly changing context.


 ESG Regulations – what are they, who is impacted and from when?

  • The primary financial impacts of ESG Regulation
  • How are organisations responding?
  • What are the impacts on the finance function?
  • Does progressing the ESG agenda mean that financial returns will be compromised?


Start Date December 11, 2023
Time 1-2 pm
Delegate Price Free