A course for non-native English-speaking professionals in multi-cultural settings

Communicating with clients and colleagues in a professional yet approachable manner can be a challenge even for native speakers. This course helps professionals for whom English is not their first language, to develop the key skills needed to boost their English language confidence and become more effective in their communication.

The modules employ the principles of collabo ration and social learning and are engaging and industry relevant: Adult learners have the opportunity to put into practice what they are learning during the course through small group exercises as well as mini-quiz assessments after the completion of each module. Participants are also encouraged to self-direct and shape the experience e.g., by selection of materials and exercises with the support of a Learning Management System.


Module One: Learning and developing ‘small talk’ skills. Learning to speak with more confidence, clarity, and persuasion, including how to interpret accurately and negotiate.

Module Two: Practising telephone conversations and video calls with clients and colleagues. Why face-to-face human interaction is powerful.

Module Three: Learning how to write better and more accurate emails and reports to clients and colleagues. Building industry-specific vocabulary.

Module Four: Learning how to become a more active participant in meetings. Expressing ideas more impactfully when making a case.

The courses are delivered at flexible times that suits each cohort with each module lasting 2.5 hours.

One-to-one coaching is available between modules at an additional flat hourly rate.

A blended approach that utilises articles, pdfs, audio files, videos, and quizzes to ensure students will have life-long access to course resources on the learning platform.

The Engineering Skillnet is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and member companies. Skillnet Ireland is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. For further information or to request other dates, please contact fiona.fennell@ibec.ie




Start Date September 06, 2023
Duration 3 half days
Delegate Price €250 (+VAT)
Type Virtual events
Contact fiona.fennell@ibec.ie