
The Travel, Leisure and Hospitality Network is for members who work in the wider tourism and hospitality sector. The network represents the broad hospitality sector, with members from hospitality, events, entertainment, culture, arts, leisure, tourism and visitor attractions, and the associated supply chains for these sectors.


What you will learn in this briefing

In this 30 minute briefing we update you on the specific policy asks for your sector that are contained in this year's Ibec pre-budget submission. In our submission we have called for a number of specific asks for the sector - economic incentives and investment in areas such as skills, promotion, innovation, training, labour market and the night-time economy.



Sharon Higgins, Executive Director, Membership & Sectors, Ibec

Ger Brady, Chief Economist, Ibec


Who should attend

Any members from hospitality, food service and experience economy.

Start Date September 14, 2023
Time 15:00 - 15:30
Duration 30 mins
Delegate Price Free
Type Briefings
Contact Anne Murphy
Experience Economy Executive