Movember Business Club 2023

November 06, 2023

For the last 20 years Movember has been the driving force to 'change the face of men's health’. We are hugely focused in raising awareness, funds and tackling the continued complex problems affecting men’s health today. To continue that mission, we need to grow and unite our Mo communities- from all genders, expert partners in healthcare, policy and government leaders, sport, corporate and brand partners. Join us in helping to improve the health of men and boys which ultimately means we will have healthier communities and healthier societies.

Movember is a fantastic opportunity to get our corporate partners to come together in the workplace by Havin’ fun and doin’ good! Yes, we are known for those fabulous/ slightly awful moustaches you see every November but behind that furry lip ribbon we are actually the world’s leading men’s health charity, focused on getting more men talking more about their mental health as well as funding breakthrough tests and treatments for prostate and testicular cancer.

Last year, the Movember Business Club raised an incredible €400K+ for men’s health in Ireland, helping to fund local Movember projects such as Hugs At Home a mental health project led by the Royal College of Surgeons, Irish Prostate Cancer Outcome Register (IPCOR) - a cancer registry run through UCD and the Tiger Trial - a testicular cancer treatment trial for patients at St. James Hospital Dublin.

Sign Up to create your workplace team where staff can grow a moustache, take on a move challenge by running or walking 60km, host events or create their own individual challenge with Mo Your Own Way.

We also have lots of supporting resources on our website Workplace Fundraising Hub and Workplace Assets to make your campaign epic and easy to deliver – guides, toolkits, quizzes, prewritten comms, posters, Zoom/ Teams backgrounds etc.

Keep an eye on the Movember Business Club Ireland Leaderboard, to see all the Irish companies that have already signed up to go the extra mile for men's health. Here’s how our top fundraising team from last year made their campaign such a success:

EY ran an incredible 2022 campaign across their six offices -Dublin, Cork, Belfast, Galway, Limerick and Waterford. Many of their colleagues have a close connection to Movember and choose to have their own goals each year, be that smashing a fundraising amount, growing hairy lips, bakes sales, walking KM’s target or a sea swim every day! EY provided weekly updates on their internal channels, with the added incentive of prizes to spur them on. They made sure the purpose of Movember was disseminated throughout the company effectively through weekly communications, impactful seminars from the Movember team and a flagship event around International Men's Day, where they spotlighted those within the workforce who have the closest affiliation with Movember through a fireside chat series. They also involved EY's key partnership to get involved adding an extra layer of visibility that continually helps the year over year success in both fundraising and awareness.

Lewis Murphy, Business Club Ambassador for EY and Chair of the EY Mental Health Network said:

“Having been a Mo-ambassador at EY for some years, running Movember each November continues to be such a purposeful point in the calendar. At the Mental Health Network, we strive to de-stigmatise mental ill health within our workplace and have a safe space where our colleagues feel comfortable to talk about it. Events like this are exactly what we need to continue our mission statement and hold our people accountable for upstanding this goal. Movember gives our people a chance to set themselves a goal each year that's achievable, makes a difference and have a bit of fun along the way. I am always so proud to see each year how we continue to "one-up" last year's efforts, and that is no small thanks to our people; our regional champions, our partnership, our people leaders and so many more. EY's Movember campaign is a testament to our people culture of building a better working world.”

Please feel free to reach out to the Movember Corporate team and for any questions or support setting up your Movember campaign!

Aisling Cotter, Corporate Partnerships Manager, Movember