Investment reboot - Infrastructure for better lives, better business

March 03, 2021

The latest CEO Update to Ibec members from Danny McCoy

Dear member, 

This morning Ibec launched its submission to the mid-term Review of the National Development Plan (NDP), putting forward our ambition to make Ireland a great place to live and work.  

While plans for economic recovery must address multiple evolving aspects of both the Covid and Brexit crises, the experience of the past year has shown that Ireland now has unprecedented wealth-generating capacity to ambitiously resource this plan. A substantially enhanced and more ambitious NDP must therefore be central to the recovery strategy.  

The next ten years will see a transformation in the country. By 2030 there will be 1.1 million additional people on the island. We have also set ambitious targets to decarbonise society and the economy, implement the National Planning Framework to re-balance regional growth, and encourage major changes in how people live and work, over the coming years. Consideration must be given to future-proofing risk management so that growth is sustainable, competitive, inclusive and resilient. Skills, talent and innovation are identified as drivers for resilient and sustainable growth. 

Amongst our key recommendations include: 

  • Provide the tools to help reimagine and revitalise our cities and towns, maximising the future of work and investment opportunities across our regions.   

  • Put quality of life at the top of the policy agenda.

  • Climate-proof the NDP, adhering to climate smart planning and investment principles.  

  • Accelerate the delivery of the digital economy.

  • Support the experience economy.

  • Prioritise our health and care sectors.  

  • Upskill and get people back to work.  

  • Strengthen innovation to address the competitiveness impacts of Brexit.

  • Place greater emphasis on the Shared Island agenda and significantly increase the Shared Island fund to €5 billion.  

  • Maximise non-Exchequer financing opportunities. Opportunities for EU and EIB investment must also be maximised.  

  • Accelerate project delivery timelines 

Government will not achieve these ambitions without careful planning and significant investment and an enhanced ambition in its longer-term planning and infrastructure goals. For prosperity and quality of life to go hand in hand, we need to build an Ireland that better manages economic growth and demographic change. 

A full copy of our submission, along with a briefing document containing an overview of the key recommendations from the report can be found below. Ibec will be actively campaigning on this important agenda over the coming weeks and months. 

As always, if you have any queries please get in touch.  

Best wishes,  

Danny McCoy 




Ibec - Investment Reboot - Infrastructure for Better Lives Better Business pdf | 969.9 kb Investment Reboot - Briefing Document pdf | 305.3 kb