Livelihoods and sustainability

October 09, 2020

Dear member, 

Against what can only be described as a chaotic backdrop, many businesses are coming to terms with new levels of Covid restrictions now at uniform level for all counties. We know that this has raised a range of operational challenges for business in recent days as well as questions around the terminology of essential and designated workers. While ambiguity exists on so many fronts, what is abundantly clear is the need to protect livelihoods as well as lives. This requires greater predictability on the process and lead in time for new levels of restrictions, a step change in the behaviours of citizens as well as political consensus on a shared island approach.

Following a vocal media campaign earlier in the week on NPHET communications and a letter to An Taoiseach, colleagues have also been commenting in the media on the disproportionate targeting of Ireland’s experience economy. This commentary, along with the publication of an open letter to government signed by 100’s of businesses is reflective of an industry finding itself under the most dramatic restrictions while also being subjected to ongoing vague and seemingly changing criteria.

Climate and the sustainability agenda have of course been accelerated in the last number of months and while the political noise is a distraction the low carbon agenda was to the fore this week. Legislative developments dealing with climate change at domestic and EU levels were significant and no question will prove a momentous stretch with the publication of the Government’s Climate Bill and new EU climate targets being set at 60%. Social dialogue is key to ensure this transition is just and that we use the opportunity to build a better Ireland.

Ibec’s quarterly economic commentary released this week continues to provide positive analysis on the resilience of the Irish business model to ensure a strong recovery. Brexit preparation is now key for business and Government advice and support measures must step up and ensure readiness. Next Tuesday marks Budget Day and Ibec will host a member’s briefing at 5pm to discuss what this budget means for business. You can register to attend here.

Along with this, please take the time to register for next week’s Hamilton Day Lecture hosted by the RIA and which Ibec is delighted to partner on.

Best wishes,

Danny McCoy
Ibec CEO