CEO Update: ‘Climate Action: A toolkit for business’, all island economy research and National Diversity and Inclusion Day

June 30, 2023

Dear member,

Today at a meeting of the Ibec Sustainability Leaders Forum today we launched ‘Climate Action: A toolkit for business’ in collaboration with Accenture. This comprehensive toolkit provides businesses with the information they need for their climate action journey and provides practical guidance on how to develop an enduring climate action strategy. It provides an overview of key concepts and developments in climate change science and regulation, while also setting out five steps businesses can take on carbon measurement and subsequent reduction roadmap. The Toolkit can be accessed here.

Our latest Ibec Responds episode provides an overview of the Toolkit and features business leaders who discuss their experience developing climate action strategies and setting emissions reduction targets.

As part of our all island economy research programme with the ESRI, next Tuesday 4 July we are hosting an event to launch a report on the ‘Structure of International Goods Trade for Ireland and Northern Ireland’. The report examines newly available data for 2021 on Northern Ireland’s goods exports and imports and equivalent data for Ireland on a detailed product and market level. This allows for the first time the trade structures of both economies to be investigated on a consistent basis giving new insight into both overall international patterns trade for each economy and also into how cross-border trade looks within this broader context. The event will feature a presentation of the report’s main findings, a panel discussion and a Q&A segment, registration can be made here.

Ibec celebrates the 10th National D&I Day on July 5th with an in-person event on combatting hate and supporting social cohesion. Today, the pillars of equality and inclusion, many of which were hard won, are under growing threat from a pervasive sense of hate that seeks to exclude and divide. This has implications for social cohesion in the societies we live and work in, our ability to provide a safe space to carry out business, our progress in diversity and inclusion, and our ability to attract diverse talent. It is crucial for business to be aware of these risks and to be part of the solution by mitigating against them. The event will bring together a mix of academics, practitioners and advocacy groups to discuss the various themes and factors contributing to the rise of hate and outline strategies for change. If you would like to attend please register here.

As always, if you have any queries please get in touch.


Danny McCoy

