Public sector - Reboot Reimagine Campaign

May 25, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare gaps in our digital infrastructure and online readiness, the environmental cost of our economic growth, core failings in our early learning and childcare structures, and years of under-investment in public services. 

Solutions to these problems must be built into the recovery to ensure our long-term well-being and competitiveness. We need to invest heavily but smartly in areas such as affordable housing, healthcare, education, clean energy, public transport and utility services.

Through our Reboot Reimagine Campaign, Ibec is advocating for fiscal policy and stimulus measures for our members, across the public sector. Some of the specific policies we are calling for include;

  • Accelerate public capital spending
  • Deliver a new long-term national housing strategy to deliver quality and affordable homes
  • Roll-out of re-prioritised National Development Plan including a new PPP pipeline
  • Develop a social progress indicator model to measure national well-being
  • Improve quality and deliver greater funding for childcare
  • Prioritise and resource the digital opportunity
  • Increase the share of public spending for productivity enhancing measures
  • Lead and invest in online Government services and the digitalisation of public service delivery 

For further detailed information please read our full campaign document.


Ibec Reboot Reimagine Campaign pdf | 9434.6 kb