This 3 day modular and blended course is delivered over three half days; either virtually or (on request) via in-line sessions. This course runs on the following dates - May 11th, 18th and 23rd.

Participants learn to use ‘Critical Thinking’ as the basis for successful problem solving and decision making.

The training covers three aspects of Critical Thinking:

Focus & Reasoning: (3 Hours)

  • Learning to separate Passion V Emotion to gain clear focus
  • Understanding the difference between clear reasons and false logic
  • Applying the ‘Tree Diagram’ logic mapping technique to produce clear, structure arguments
  • Using Cool Logic in Hot Situations - dealing with false reasoning in meetings and discussion

Problem Solving & Decision Making: (3 Hours)

  • Introduction to 2 common problem solving/decision making models
  • Finding the core and scope of the problem using Socratic questioning
  • Dealing with Biases and short cut thinking
  • Exploring Innovative Options
  • Framing questions to achieve the best answers
  • Overcoming obstacles to achieve sustainable actions

Communication: (2 Hours)

Introduction to the most important aspect of problem solving and decision making – Implementation

  • With Critical Thinking, we learn that our strongest argument can be our weakest link.
  • Learners role play the implementation of a decision by appealing to the logic of the listener, and not the speaker.
  • Practising the words of Aristotle - ‘The fool tells me his reasons, the wise man persuades me with my own’
  • The session ends with a revisit of the decision making models with discussion on the challenges and opportunities for use in the workplace.

All learning experience is through explanation, exploration and exercises.


Start Date May 11, 2023
Delegate Price €230 (+VAT)
Location Online