September 2023 Edition

New thought leadership from Ibec Global guiding the C-suite on how to best address international challenges. Our first edition explores the “S” in ESG.

This piece is the natural evolution from our previous Divergence Watch, which mapped insights in the changing EU-UK relationship, and adopts a broader focus that enables business leaders to grasp geopolitical risks and opportunities that stem from today’s fragmented world.

The S in ESG / Key Insights

  • Major trends are shaping the ecosystem of your company’s social interactions: We live in times of total transparency, where mistakes in terms of a company’s image, treatment of employees, or its products can damage bottom lines both quickly and durably.
  • Identifying and meeting stakeholder and shareholder expectations: Business leaders should have proactive strategies to address how they lead their engagement with their employees, customers, suppliers, and investors. These stakeholders are central to a company’s success. Second, they need to devise ways to address current shortcomings and risks while future-proofing their strategy.
  • What makes the “S” so central:  What is at stake goes beyond mere reputational risks: such regulatory measures addressing social factors can present substantial material risks and existential threats should non-compliance occur.
  • The Perfect timing to make an impact: The more companies adopt strong ESG strategies the more these actions will collectively form a strong basis to advocate for regulatory harmonization across borders to improve socioeconomic outcomes and stability in global markets.