New Digital Strategy for Schools 2022 - 2027

April 13, 2022

Technology Ireland, the Ibec group that represents the technology sector, welcomes the Government’s new Digital Strategy for Schools as an important step in ensuring real digital change in Irish schools that will pave the way for a diverse, equitable and inclusive education system.

Una Fitzpatrick, Director of Technology Ireland said: “The past two years has taught us that digitalisation can greatly enhance and complement teaching and learning but can never replace the direct process. Significant digital momentum has been gained during the lifetime of the pandemic and we believe this momentum will be influential in driving the new digital strategy for schools.

“The 21st century employment landscape is ever evolving. However, something that remains consistent is the growing need for digital skills in the workplace. The development of foundational digital skills must be ensured for all Irish primary and post-primary students, with plentiful opportunities to develop more in-depth knowledge in areas such as coding, digital media, cloud computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence, so that they are best equipped for the jobs of the future. The continued roll-out of Leaving Certificate Computer Science, as well as the introduction of pathways at primary and junior cycle level, will be key to safeguarding the development of these pivotal future skills.

“Technology Ireland believes that the priorities outlined in this consultation are most achievable with adequate multi-annual funding from Government. Technology Ireland and its members are ambitious and confident that this strategy will reap great rewards, however, the ambition is futile without appropriate investment from Government.”

She added: “We look forward to engaging further with government and other stakeholders on the related structures and workstreams outlined in today’s strategy.”