In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the harsh reality is that positions may become obsolete, leading to the difficult process of redundancy. For small businesses, each role is pivotal, and the cessation of a position can have ripple effects throughout the company. It is critical for employers to handle redundancy with care to maintain compliance, protect their reputation, and safeguard the well-being of all employees.

Join us for an invaluable session led by Zaynab Lawal, HR Executive with the Small Firms Association (SFA). With her extensive expertise, Zaynab will delve into the critical legislation governing redundancy in Ireland, outlining the procedural framework to ensure legal compliance. She will also shed light on the potential risks and pitfalls that employers may encounter if redundancy is not managed correctly.

This is a Member-Only webinar.

Start Date May 31, 2024
Time 10:30am - 11am
Duration 30 mins
Delegate Price Free
Type Webinar