Navigating Business Challenges in 2024 - A Guide for Irish SMEs

February 13, 2024

Rising to the Challenge

In the dynamic business environment of Ireland, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are facing unprecedented challenges. Among these, the recent adjustment in the VAT rate from a reduced 9%, coupled with soaring energy costs to adapting to the digital marketplace, are causing significant concern. These changes require a strategic approach to ensure sustainability and growth. Recognising these hurdles, MentorsWork, is once again opening its doors for 2024 registrations, offering a lifeline to businesses determined to not just survive but thrive in these testing times. 

MentorsWork: Your Strategic Ally

Unlock your business's full potential with MentorsWork – Ireland's award-winning, fully government-funded mentoring programme. Designed to fuel the growth of businesses across all sectors and sizes, MentorsWork offers a beacon of support in these challenging times. The programme is tailored to help you navigate the complexities of the current economic landscape. 

Tailored Support for Unprecedented Times

MentorsWork provides targeted support to address the unique challenges faced by today’s businesses. The comprehensive programme offers: 

  • 1:1 Mentoring Sessions: Gain personalised guidance from industry experts. 
  • Interactive Workshops: Equip your team with the skills needed in today’s market. 
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. 

Crafting a Customised Path Forward

MentorsWork is not one-size-fits-all; our approach involves crafting a bespoke six-month Business Plan that’s as unique as your business. This focuses on propelling your business forward, ensuring resilience, and laying the groundwork for sustained success. 

A Track Record of Empowerment

With a history of empowering over 3,000 Irish businesses, MentorsWork is more than a programme—it’s a partnership for growth. With 100+ mentors who understand the intricacies of the Irish business landscape, the programme provides actionable advice and support helping you to optimise operations, enhance digital capabilities and navigate the financial implications of recent cost increases. 

Join the MentorsWork Community

The journey of transformation requires commitment, and with MentorsWork, you're not alone. As we open our doors for registrations, we invite business owners and managers to seize this opportunity for transformation. By joining MentorsWork, you become part of a proactive forward-thinking community, where you’ll gain insights into emerging trends and learn how to position your business as a leader in innovation. 

Adapting and Thriving: Beyond 2024

Our mentorship goes beyond problem-solving; it’s about embedding resilience and adaptability into the DNA of your business. 

Secure Your Place Today Visit to register for the MentorsWork programme. Let us help you turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s successes. The journey to business excellence starts here—take the first step with MentorsWork and embrace a future of growth.

For more information about MentorsWork, email