Views and Opinions Needed

May 23, 2023

SFA is seeking members views and opinions on two government consultations recently launched. Input is need by COB, Friday, 26th May. Read below on how to make a submission.

Public consultation on proposals to enhance the Companies Act 2014

 The legislative framework provided for by the Companies Act 2014 is regularly reviewed to ensure that the original objectives remain valid and are being achieved, and to consider developments arising from stakeholder engagement, developments in case law and the work of the Company Law Review Group. The Department of Enterprise is also committed to ensuring that the authorities established under the Act have the appropriate legislative tools to effectively undertake their statutory functions.

  1. Corporate Governance
  2. Company Law Enforcement and Supervision
  3. Company Law Administration
  4. Corporate Insolvency including the Regulation of Receivers

 To read the proposals and questions posed under these four distinct areas see here.

 Remarks should be emailed to by COB, Friday, 26th May, so SFA can prepare and make our submission. 

Code of Practice on the ‘‘Right to Request Remote Working"

 The Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023, gives employees the right to request remote work and employers the obligation to consider and respond to such requests within a 4 week period. It does not give all employees a right to work remotely. Employers must by law, consider the needs of the company, the employee and the provisions of a code of practice being prepared by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC).  

The Act also allows for the right to request a flexible working arrangement for caring purposes. The criteria for applying for such a flexible arrangement will be the same as those for the right to request remote work. An employer must consider the request but is not bound to agree to it.

The WRC are now seeking submissions with a view to drafting a Code of Practice on the Right to Request Remote Working.

SFA is asking members to fill out this questionnaire in order to gather members views and opinions on what should be included in this practical guidance for employers and employees and feedback on steps that may be taken for complying with the requirements of the Act in relation to applications for flexible or remote working. The deadline for responses is COB, Friday, 26th May. 

 If you have any questions or queries do please get in touch with

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