Exclusively for Programme Alumni

Elevate your business strategy with our MentorsWork Consultancy Services, available solely to our programme alumni. This opportunity is designed to drive your business forward, benefiting from our heavily subsidised rates—where you're responsible for just 30% of the total cost, as a commitment fee.

Tap into the knowledge and expertise of our industry experts with on average 30 years’ experience. We're dedicated to helping you unlock your business's full potential We provide customised solutions to help your businesses thrive – our consulting services are tailored to meet your unique needs and challenges. We take the time to understand your business, goals and challenges, and work with you to develop practical and effective solutions.

Explore / Continue Your Growth with MentorsWork 

  1. Exclusive Subsidised Rates: As a MentorsWork graduate, gain access to our consultancy services at a fraction of the usual cost, empowering your business to reach new heights without financial strain.
  2. Gain a Competitive Edge: With expert analysis and strategic insight, our services help pinpoint and seize growth opportunities, setting you apart in the market.
  3. Industry Expertise: Ensuring you benefit from the latest best practices and industry insight.
  4. Tailored Solutions: Your business is unique, and so our approach is tailored – we craft strategies that address your specific challenges and ambitions for a perfect fit solution 

Developing digital skills such as automation, adopting digital practices, digital marketing and cybersecurity awareness can prevent small business falling behind their larger competitors across all industries. Businesses with higher digital capability are more productive, more efficient and see increased turnover, profits, exports and employment rates. Consultants can help you identify new technologies, strategies, and approaches to help stay ahead of the competition and achieve growth in rapidly evolving markets.

Sub-Heading: Areas of digital transformation

  • Sales Management/CRM: Improve the productivity and profitability of the business
  • Digital strategy/Marketing: That aligns with your business objectives
  • Cybersecurity: Minimise cyber threats to the business
  • Process Automation: Automate manual processes to save time & meet the needs of your customer quickly
  • Data Analytics: Make better decisions by harnessing the power of your data
  • Customer Experience: Help retain and grow the customer

Digital Transformation will provide your business with a competitive advantage and future-proof your business - those that embrace new technologies will be better positioned to succeed. This can be a complex and daunting process, especially for businesses that are not familiar with the latest technologies and trends.

  1. Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Sustainable Packaging/Logistics, Plastic Management
  2. Carbon Footprint Analysis: Understanding the carbon or environmental footprint of products or services
  3. Green Marketing / Green Procurement: Gain competitive advantage for your business - Cost Savings: On operational costs by reducing waste and streamlining processes
  4. Reach SDG’s: Identify opportunities for reducing environmental impact & increasing energy efficiencyRisk management: Understand and mitigate regulatory and legal risks

By adopting sustainable practices, companies can improve their reputation and strengthen their brand image as socially responsible and environmentally conscious.


For more information on how to continue your growth with our Consultancy Services, reach out to us at