Our core priorities for the future of the EU

Irish business is proudly European and proudly committed to the future of our Union.

Ibec is dedicated to shaping an EU of strong values which supports competitiveness, investment and trade. Our economic fortunes rely on an outward-looking, dynamic and successful EU. As the EU considers its future, Irish and European enterprise welcomes enhanced cooperation in key areas of collective benefit, whilst in other core areas decision making should be left firmly in the hands of individual member states. Additionally, now more than ever, a strong, united and consistent European voice is needed on the global stage. Quite simply, we need more of what Europe has shown itself to be good at. Positive reforms which add tangible value to business and society will be much more beneficial than a radical change of direction at this time. 

This paper sets out our six core priorities form the Irish business vision for the future of the EU.


Ireland in the EU pdf | 2847.4 kb

The Ibec Podcast

The Future of Europe, with Minister Helen McEntee

19 April 2018 - Fergal O'Brien, Ibec Director of Policy and Public Affairs talks to Minister of State for European Affairs, Helen McEntee about the Future of Europe. How can Irish business opportunities in Europe be strengthened, what is the Government view on potential challenges to Ireland's economic sovereignty and when will business have a clearer picture of the EU post-Brexit?